Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tips for Using Garden Lights | Home improvement center

A pond in the garden of course will not you let it be dark at sunset. The existence of proper lighting in the pool will make it appear more attractive, your family can enjoy while relaxing in the park after dusk.

garden lighting Tips for Using Garden LightsNo need to worry because with the advancement of technology, is now available LED lights that will support the lighting in the dark. Even with the addition of target specific filters, you can create the effect of lighting colors in the pond.

But before all that is achieved, there must be steps that proper installation of decorative lights to beautify the park at your residence. Here we provide some simple steps when you want to install lighting for the exterior space at your residence.

1. Choose LED lights with low voltage power and lighting fixtures for use underwater. Always choose based on quality, because quality will ensure a good life is more durable. Avoid the use of plastic lighting fixtures because they are more easily damaged when mounted below the water.

2. To select the appropriate transformer, you must calculate the amount of power required. It?s easy, accumulated amount of power all the lights you want to install then multiply that number by 115 percent to determine the minimum power transformer needed.

3. Buy a transformer which has power to all scale lights you put in the pond. If possible, select a transformer with greater power would be more profitable, if it turns out later you intend to add the amount of lighting in the pool area. Do not forget to also add a timer (dimers) to regulate the light intensity of each lamp. Use photocell accessory will also help you save on electricity usage, because the lights will turn on automatically only when it was dark or dusk.

4. Put the lights on the pool as per the instructions indicated on the packaging from the factory. Do not forget to add the color filter if needed. Never connect the lamp with a power source before it is attached!

5. Place the transformer into a separate box, so it will be easier for you when there is damage to the installation of lighting on the pond.

After everything is installed correctly, remember to always check the installation of LED lights on the pool and gardens making it easier for you to anticipate the damage.


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